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Make Your Own Basics: The blue jeans

Make Your Own Basics: The blue jeans

Back-to-school season means dreaming of new jeans, right? Which have to be the holy grail of the handmade-wardrobe world. For anyone attempting to have a partially me-made wardrobe, we all pick and choose which things we can and will make for ourselves and which we’re content (or stuck) with buying. For those who sew, jeans are probably the hardest mental hurdle to get over, and I would argue also the hardest physical/technical hurdle. That is some serious sewing. But in the past couple of years, it’s become amazingly common to see intrepid sewers making their own jeans, largely due to Heather Lou of Closet Case Files’ wildly popular Ginger Jeans pattern (skinny jeans), which she followed up more recently with the Morgan Jeans (“boyfriend” jeans, or what I prefer to call jeans — just regular old jeans, people). In between which, there was a Ginger add-on for a flared leg. Heather Lou not only offers what are reputed to be very good patterns, but she also has an ebook and kits to help you over the hurdles.

It’s unimaginable to me, at this juncture — I’m in awe of all of you who’ve done it. But at the same time, just like I’m always saying if you can knit a mitt, you can knit a sweater, my friends who’ve sewn Gingers tell me it’s just sewing — there’s just more of it, and yeah, you deepen your skills along the way.

Someday. Someday …


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