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This yarn is my happy place

This yarn is my happy place

Here’s what my schedule looks like right now: Today I have a bag to pack for myself and some boxes to pack for Fringe Supply, because Wednesday morning at the butt-crack of dawn I board a plane for New Hampshire. I’ll be attending Squam Art Workshops for the first time (woohoo!) — AND Saturday night I’ll have a table at the Squam Art Fair. If you’re in New England and this is not already on your calendar, put it on there! It’s open to the public and it’s a must-do. Here’s the full vendor list; doors open at 7:30. Be there or be square.

I pack back up and arrive home Sunday and have three — count ’em — three weeks to finish packing up my entire life, because at the end of the month we’re moving to Nashville! Me, Bob and Fringe. (Standard question: “Why?” Short answer: “Because we want to!”) (If you’re in the Bay Area, we’re having a massive moving sale on June 14th. Watch my @karentempler account at Instagram for details.) Somewhere in those three weeks, I also have to find a place for Fringe to do business and (ideally) a place to live. Plus all the other stuff that moving entails.

The first week of July, we’ll be driving across the country to our new hometown. Two weeks after that, we’re spending a week with my family in the Smoky mountains somewhere, celebrating my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. And three weeks after that, I’ll be at Stitches Midwest with my first full-blown booth (which is not yet designed or outfitted). Midwesterners, is that on your calendar? Put it on there!

So why am I telling you all of this?

1. I’m a wee bit overwhelmed, and so is my inbox. You guys blew me away with the response to the Jen Hewett bag — Friday was by far our biggest day ever and we’re still working to catch up, but we’re shipping as fast as we can and hope to get all of the weekend orders filled today. Thank you so, so much for the orders and your patience. If I owe you an email or a response to a comment, please forgive me — I’m doing the best I can! But I also need to accept and declare that blogging will very likely be spotty for the next couple of months. If I don’t give myself permission to not blog every day in June/July, I might need to plan a side trip to the loony bin, and who has time for that?

2. The photo at the top of this post has been my happy place over the past few days. I’m very influenced by my surroundings and these days my desk is staged with my Squam table, the rest of the studio is chaos and our loft is much, much worse — tripping over boxes, etc. There’s been no time for knitting, but there’s the promise of it, in the form of this pretty photo, which Anna took and texted to me. After I wrote that post about the Pam Allen tanks last week, I began pestering her about Kestrel colors and placed a phone order for these beauties, which arrived on Saturday. Sadly, they’re still in their package, but you know how they say that watching fish swim around in a fish tank is good for your heart rate? For me, it’s this beautiful photo.


Photo by Anna Dianich/Tolt Yarn and Wool

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