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Our Tools, Ourselves: Kathy Cadigan

In Our Tools, Ourselves, we get to know fiber artisans of all walks, ages, styles and skill levels, by way of their tools. For more on the series, read the introduction.

I’m enamored of Seattle photographer Kathy Cadigan‘s taste in knitting. (You’ll recall her Jón hat. See also Monochrome Tolt, Pembroke, Volcanic Maren, etc.) And I am also a fan of her photography, as experienced via Instagram. So naturally I wanted a peek through her lens at her own knitting life. I had no idea what I was in for — you’re going to love this.

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Do you knit, crochet, weave, spin, dye, sew … ?

I’ve tried my hand at all of the above; knitting and spinning are the two I’m most committed to. I first decided to learn to knit 13 years ago after seeing a copy of the now obsolete Martha Stewart Baby Magazine. The first issue featured a beautiful knitting tutorial for a little jacket, knitted on straights, 7 rectangles pieced together. The knitting went just fine but the seaming part was a disaster for me. After that, I sought help at the craft store and have been knitting ever since. Like many knitters who began in the ’90s, I started off knitting with novelty yarns and synthetic blends. Today, my preferences involve only the woolliest and most rustic-y of yarns, thanks in large part to the owner of my LYS, Anna Dianich.

Tell us about your tool preferences and peccadilloes.

I’ve haphazardly collected all sorts of needles over the years: plastic, metal, wood, straights, circulars … you name it. Now I knit almost exclusively on Addi metal circs.

How do you store or organize your tools? Or do you?

The majority of my old needles are jumbled together in a plastic  zip-up storage bag.  I dig through it on the odd occasion that I need a US size 50. ;)  Tape measure, darning needles, etc., I keep in an old school pencil box.

How do you store or organize your works-in-progress?

They’re kind of organized … in a disorganized sort of way.

I like leaving new skeins of yarn out in baskets or on trays because seeing them makes me smile and dream of the new projects they’re intended for.

I “store” works in progress out in the open on wooden trays and also now in Fringe Supply Bento bags! The Bento bags are brilliant because they act like little baskets for display, then they tie up neatly away for travel. Perfect. [Editor’s note: I swear I don’t even anticipate people saying these things, much less prompt it!]

Eventually, all woefully unfinished projects and far-too-long unbroken skeins of yarn go into under-bed storage totes. For the most part, I’ve been pretty good about keeping my stash down.

Are there any particularly prized possessions amongst your tools?

My most prized fiber tool is a recently acquired Sid Sharples/Jack Daniels California Bulky Spinner. It’s solid walnut, crafted in the 1970s.  A lovely knitter/spinner from the Bay Area answered my call on Ravelry when I was searching for that rare bird.

Also, I love collecting books on historical textile traditions. I sort of have books stacked everywhere! It makes me happy to be surrounded by them. I recently picked up a copy of a fabulous book called Knitting in Art. I’d like to try graphing out a beautiful Alaskan motif pictured (under magnifying glass).

Also, also, I love my old cameras. (I’ve included one of my favorite captures: an image of Solfar, the Sun Voyager in Reykjavik, Iceland. I shot it on very unstable instant film. My family had the image enlarged on canvas for me. The result is surprisingly painterly.)

Do you lend your tools?

I don’t usually lend.  I just give. Mostly needles and a Rasmussen table loom. ;)

What is your favorite place to knit?

When I knit with my beloved knit group I knit to socialize, catch up on the latest, receive counsel on knitterly things and life in general.

When I need to get down to serious knitting business, my favorite spot is at my desk. Next favorite spot is our window seat. Favorite knitting uniform: swants! and mocs.

What effect do the seasons have on you?

Here in Seattle, I find myself knitting almost year-round. I love it even in the summer months! The youngsters at the pool are always curious about what I’m knitting.  I make sure to bring stash yarn and pompom makers with me. The pompoms are always a big hit.

Do you have a dark secret, guilty pleasure or odd quirk, where your fiber pursuits are concerned?

Yes. If given the choice between purchasing a knitting kit complete with required yarn and pattern or purchasing the finished knitted object, I choose the FO. Without even blinking.

Except when I went to Iceland. I brought home both.

What are you working on right now?

I’m experimenting with different fibers to spin bulky singles for a Cowichan-style sweater vest. I really don’t know what I’m doing. But I’ve been so inspired after a trip to see Andrea Rangel in Cowichan Bay with my friends Anna and Paula.

I brought home a Cowichan Sweater made by a Coast Salish knitter as reference for construction. It will be quite the learning curve!

PREVIOUSLY in Our Tools, Ourselves: Lauren (of Süsk and Banoo)


Photos © Kathy Cadigan

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