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A sweater! On Project Runway!

wolf sweater by michelle lesniak project runway

It happens so rarely. I was extra thrilled to see that sweater on Project Runway last night because A) awesome wolf-inspired sweater and B) it was Michelle who brung it (with an assist from the one knitwear person to make it onto the show — and not much farther). I’m totally rooting for her. Remind me to wear my PART WOLF t-shirt to watch the finale next week.

Meanwhile, gonna finish the improv sweater this weekend. It has two finished sleeves; I just need to finish off the body. It’s belly-button length right now and I have a little less than half a ball of yarn left, so I’m planning to see where that gets me. Hopefully somewhere acceptable, because if I really have to procure more yarn, it won’t be finished this weekend after all.

What about you? Thoughts on Project Runway? Yarny plans for the weekend? Let’s hear it!


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