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New Favorites: Dark yoke sweaters

New Favorites: Dark yoke sweaters

One of the most endlessly irresistible things to me is a colorwork yoke sweater done all in neutrals with the body in charcoal or black. It’s so striking and rich and magical somehow. I could list countless examples, but these are the two that have most recently been haunting my dreams:

TOP: Carrie Bostick Hoge’s Lighthouse Pullover — from her latest collection, Swoon Maine — in shades of black and grey

BOTTOM: Kathy Cadigan’s rendition of Mary Jane Mucklestone’s Stopover, done in black, grey and a coppery brown

Kathy’s is the one I mentioned in a footnote yesterday, having worn it during our holiday lookbook shoot and fallen deeply, darkly in love.


PREVIOUSLY in New Favorites: from Olga’s “Capsule” collection

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