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Q for You: How many WIPs are on your needles?

Q for You: How many WIPs are on your needles?

My knitting bag overfloweth again and I was trying to figure out why, since I’ve been so much better lately about not casting on new projects willy-nilly. As usual, what’s taking up space is detritus of finished projects — swatches and yarn ends, and gloves and hats waiting to be blocked. But I do have several works in progress — four sweaters (one for Bob), a hat, and the vest front I cast on in a class at Squam — plus one big swatch and sample yarn for a pattern I hope to someday get back to. But basically six WIPs. I’m sure this is “better” than some people and “worse” than others, but I also think we all have different ideas about whether having a lot of WIPs is a good or bad thing. So this is my Q for You: How many WIPs do you currently have going, and if it’s different from the norm for you, what is your norm?


PREVIOUSLY in Q for You: What else do you do while you knit?

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