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Q for You: What else do you do while you knit?

Q for You: What else do you do while you knit?

I’m always hearing about people reading while they knit — or even surfing the web — and I’m utterly in awe of that. I love knitting, among other reasons, for the fact that it doesn’t take me out of my life. I can carry on conversations, look at the scenery out a car window, watch a movie with my husband, whatever the case may be. It doesn’t require my undivided attention, in other words, but it does require my hands. I can’t figure out how anyone reads (as in, holds a book open and turns pages) while knitting, unless they mean audio books, which I’m totally on board with. But I do watch movies and television while I knit — preferably a really good TV series I’ve never seen that offers hours upon hours of good company.

So that’s my latest Q for You: What else do you do while you knit? If you read, how do you do that, logistically speaking. And if you have recommendations for a good, long TV series or audio book — the more hours the better — let’s hear ’em! (Especially audio books since I also need them for my upcoming trip.)


PREVIOUSLY in Q for You: Does having a yarn stash work?

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