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FO Sightings: Fancy Amber’s heroic vest

Fancy Amber's heroic vest

I am in endless awe of how prolific Fancy Tiger’s Jaime and Amber are. Their ability to finish garment after garment after garment is both intimidating and inspiring. But I want to single out this vest by Amber (aka @fancyamber). She was posting about struggling with it on Instagram awhile back, but I just now read the full story on their blog, and sheesh, talk about ingenuity and determination! This is Kate Davies’ Tortoise and Hare sweater pattern, which is knitted in a tube with three steeks: one for each arm and one for the neck. (For the uninitiated — and you’ll want to be seated for this — a steek is a patch of knitting that is there for the express purpose of being cut open later on.) Amber got as far as cutting open the steeks and pulled the sweater over her head — a sweater painstakingly knitted, using yarn she carried back from Shetland — only to find that it was gigantic in the shoulders. Whereas many of us would have cursed and ripped, Amber picked her scissors back up, cut it down to size, and finished it as a vest. SO INSPIRING. Read the full story here.


PREVIOUSLY in FO Sightings: Kathy Cadigan’s Jón hat

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